
  Message from Your Penguin Security System

[2025-02-06 11:44:22 - UTC]
Your IP address has been flagged as suspicious and has been excluded from the system.


Possible Reasons

  1. Bots and Crawlers
    Use of automated scripts or programs (bots, crawlers) to systematically download, copy, or scrape content, leading to increased traffic and potentially affecting the integrity and availability of the website. Such practices may also have legal consequences as they can infringe on copyrights and unnecessarily increase the operating costs of the website.

  2. DDoS Attacks
    Coordinated attacks where a large number of requests are sent from various sources to overwhelm the web server. These attacks can make the website inaccessible to legitimate users.

  3. Rate-Limit Violations
    A rate-limit is a restriction on the number of requests a user or system is allowed to send to a server within a specific time period. This measure is implemented to protect server resources, optimize performance, and safeguard against overloads, such as those caused by DDoS attacks.

  4. Server Attacks
    Attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in the server infrastructure to gain unauthorized access, steal data, or damage the server. This includes, for example, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other types of web exploits.

  5. Spam
    Excessive posting of advertisements, links or irrelevant content. Either manually or automatically.

Should this be a misunderstanding or an unintended block, it is recommended to contact support at bot@gameindustry.eu for further assistance.

Please provide your unique identification number: 27327ed26dd0.

Your request will be reviewed promptly, and appropriate actions will be taken.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

GameIndustry.eu 🐧