
  Message from Your Penguin Security System

[2025-01-25 06:52:34 - UTC]
Your IP address was flagged as suspicious and you have been excluded from the system


Possible Reasons

  1. Server Attacks: Attempts to exploit security vulnerabilities in the server infrastructure to gain unauthorized access, steal data, or damage the server. This includes, for example, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), or other types of web exploits.
  2. Spam: Excessive posting of advertising, links, or irrelevant content, often automated. This can serve to lure users to fraudulent websites or disrupt the normal operation of the site.
  3. DDoS Attempts: Coordinated attacks where a large number of requests are sent from various sources to overload the website and prevent its normal operation. Such attacks can make the website inaccessible to legitimate users.
  4. Rate Limit Violations: Exceeding the limits set by the site for request frequencies. Repeated rate limit violations may indicate that a user or bot is attempting to overload the site with excessive requests or to scrape it.
  5. Bots and Crawler: Use of automated scripts or programs (bots, crawlers) to systematically download, copy, or scrape content, leading to increased traffic and impacting the integrity and availability of the website. Such practices may also have legal consequences as they violate copyright laws and unnecessarily increase the operational costs of the website.

We take the security of our users and the security of our own networks very seriously.

If you believe this is a misunderstanding or you have been wrongly banned, please contact support at bot@gameindustry.eu for further assistance.

Please refer to your unique identification number: ff1a77eed709 when contacting the support.

Your request will be reviewed as soon as possible and take appropriate action.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

GameIndustry.eu 🐧